Monthly meeting
Monthly meeting calendar
The ETA holds its monthly meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. Meetings are held at the Master Builders Building in Bellevue, between 8:00AM and 9:30AM. Additional programs and events are also listed below.
ETA meetings are open to the public.
June Monthly Meeting - You won't want to miss!
June 19, 2019: Eastside Transportation Issues Briefing
The ETA is excited to hold our second Eastside Transportation Issues Briefing. Held last July, our inaugural Transportation Issues Briefing invited legislative candidates from the Eastside to earn more about transportation funding, finance, congestion relief and the I-405 Master Plan. To view our previous Transportation Issues Briefing, click the video below.
Our June meeting is geared toward candidates for local elections. Our briefing will answer the following questions and more:
How are local transportation projects funded?
Transit service on the Eastside - are we getting our fair share?
Will Bus Rapid Transit work?
What projects on the Eastside need attention?
How will people travel 10 years from now?
What are the most important transportation issues facing the public?
Join us for a candid conversation on solutions to reduce traffic congestion and improve our quality of life on the Eastside
Our meetings are open to the general public. All are invited.
Our meetings are held at the Bellevue Master Builders Building, from 8:00-9:30AM. Directions