Legislative Agenda
Click here to view our 2019 Legislative Agenda!
James W. MacIsaac Research Committee
The James W. MacIsaac (JWM) Research Committee currently meets once each month. The members of the committee are researching legal, commercial, and administrative impacts of agency activities. The efforts of the JWM Research Committee supported publication of many of the documents referenced in the list of transportation resources, which are included below. For resources produced before 2011, please visit our archive.
Women of Washington Papers
ETA Board Member Vic Bishop, P.E. produced an 11-issue series for the Women of Washington covering various transportation topics. The entire volume is available, here.
Resources and Documents
Check out the links below to stay up with the latest ETA news and reports.
UPDATED I-405 Project List by City
UPDATED I-405 Project list by Leg District
I-405 Master Plan and East king County Project List
Transportation 102 Slide Deck
Mode Split Projections for Bellevue
Analysis of Bellevue's 2019-2030 TFP SEIS
ETA Analysis of Main Street Bike Lane Propsosal
ETA Analysis of I-405 projects Affecting Bellevue
ETA Presentation "Finish the I-405 Master Plan Now"
ETA Boardmember Todd Woosley on John Carlson Show (Starts at 19:40)
ETA Chair Bishop and Boardmember Woosley Seattle Times Op-Ed "Get I-405 Flowing: Complete 16-Year Master Plan Now"
ETA's Position on the I-405 HOV Lanes Between Bellevue and Lynnwood
RapidRide beats Light Rail
Memo to Senator Dino Rossi RE: St3 revenue
ST3 Breaks Promise to Voters
Mobility 21: A Report by Eastside Transportation Association
How People Really Choose to Travel Today
New taxes for Sound Transit? Now is not the time
Sound Transit Financing and 3-County Road & Transit Funding
The Major Neglect of Roadway Funding
Vote ‘no’ on Proposition 1, money better spent on roads
Annual Transportation Revenue, King County-Current Law
The CATES/CVPC Report: A Policy Roadmap for Large-Scale Transportation Demonstration Project
ETA Accomplishments for 2013
Summary of 2013 ETA Speakers
ETA Letter to Sound Transit
INRIX Presentation to eta - effects of 520 tolling on puget sound traffic
Jim Horn - Public policy changes making things worse, not better
ETA REports: The War on Cars
ETA REports: Raising Revenues the Right Way
ETA REports: What You Need to Know About HOT Lanes
Washington Roundtable Transportation Proposal
Bruce Nurse - "We Should Stop Waging a War on Cars"
Nov 2012 Seattle Times OpEd
John niles - The Future of Roads, Automobiles, and Public Transit
ETA ISSUES Press Release Appealing I-90 Ruling to the State Supreme Court
ETA Reports: HOT Lanes on SR-167: A Financial & Operational Failure
ETA Reports: ETA Guiding Principles for Funding of Highway Transportation Systems